Submissions now closed.

Pact Press, an imprint of Regal House Publishing in collaboration with the Coral Restoration Foundation™, invites submissions to an anthology of environmental writing that highlights the plight of the oceans. Submissions may range from poetry to personal essays that particularly emphasize the international crisis.
Each piece must focus on the monumental shift taking place in the world’s oceans. Topics may include effects of climate change, oil and chemical pollution, overfishing, and buildup of plastic along shorelines and in marine habitats. We welcome contributions from volunteers or organizers of clean-up efforts, scientists who study marine life and habitats, and conservationists with insight into sustainability solutions, as well as individuals who can speak to the domestic and international debates regarding policy changes.
The anthology’s purpose is to amplify awareness of ocean environmentalism by examining the impact and compounding consequences of industry and geopolitics. By featuring work that looks at different facets of these problems, we intend to challenge writers and readers alike to take part in what is fast becoming a global movement. This is a call to arms, and we look forward to hearing your voices.

For all accepted and published submissions, editorial work will be provided free of charge. Net proceeds from the sale of the anthology will go toward the Coral Restoration Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Key Largo, Florida, with a focus on rebuilding coral reefs, creating offshore nurseries, and educational outreach. Contributors will not receive financial remuneration for their submissions.
Guidelines for Submissions
Word limit: We encourage submissions in a range of literary genre including but not limited to poetry, short fiction, personal reflections, essays, and articles but we ask that authors do not exceed a maximum word limit of 3,500.
Deadline for receipt of submissions: March 18, 2019
Submissions: via Submittable. English language submissions only.
Timeline for publication: June 2019. Accepted submissions will be edited during the period of January 2019 through April 2019. Please provide a valid email address for correspondence with Pact Press editorial staff. If a contributor will not be available to discuss proposed changes to her or his submission with the editorial team, this should be noted on the original submission, and in these cases, submission implies permission for the editors to make limited stylistic changes at their own discretion.